Updated - July 21, 2011

New mods for this Oppo Blu-Ray Player.
We are are accepting new orders to be done...
The wait is finally over - the
OPPO BDP-93 is now available for sale on there website at
Expanded upon our
award-winning BDP-83 Blu-ray player, the BDP-93 adds 3D Blu-ray
support, internet streaming
(Netflix, Blockbuster), Dual-HDMI
outputs, eSATA, Wi-Fi, RS-232, and a new video processor with enhanced
noise reduction.
For more information about the stock OPPO BDP-93, go to
Oppo BDP-93 Blu-ray player improvement mods have been implemented..
Vastly improved video output.
Our totally inclusive full modification of the BDP-93 Stereo Option is $1000.
If you need us to also purchase the player, that is an additional $500.
For use outside of North America, you will also need an 'all region'
adapter to allow the player to function with discs coded to other than
Region 1 DVD and Region A BluRay. The all region adapter is
$120.00. We do not charge any labor for the adapter
installation, only the actual cost of the device.
Analog board op-amp delete, for using ONLY HDMI or Digital Audio outputs, subtract $100.
Add center channel and LFE analog upgrades to Stereo, for enhanced
front multi-channel sound, add $140. Includes some enhancements
on the 4 rear surround channels, but not a full super hig performance
parts replacement like the front 4 channels...For most people it is a
waste of money to bring the rear surrounds up to the level of
performance needed in the front 4 channels. The rears carry only
signals of limited bandwidth and limited dynamics, just for spacial
effects, so DON"T waste money here.
Export paperwork documentation, no charge.
All shipping and insurance extra, at actual cost.
US Dollars
USA and Canada sales: We accept PayPal online, and VISA/MC over the phone.
Other countries: We accept PayPal International and Swift International
wire transfers, and from some locations, VISA/MC over the phone.
Below: a completed Oppo BDP-93


Back and inside of completed Oppo BDP-93.
Below: Turned around to the front.

Above picture incorporated many
special design filters for this Blu-ray to give the sharpest picture possible.
Audio Filters and new high
performance Op Amps and special caps are also incorporated to give the
best sound this player can achieve.
It has undergone much testing and the picture improvements are quite remarkable.
Because these are new, we install the latest
firmware upgrades before we ship the units we have to mod. it is done
as part of our upgrade procedure.
Below:We pay attention to the base of the Oppo-93 by creating a form fitting VB2 that dampens and adds mass.

above: New JENA feet and below resonance vibration dampening is in the feet as well.
All Current Modified Players come with our latest compound
rubber + density filled design.

Great feet for your BDP-93.
Inside top cover

Above: Top cover of player showing the felt spacer and our VB2 treatment.
Shown Below: Configuration of custom Filters designed for this Player

Main board filter with many wires for discreet control.
below: Audio board Filter resides on backplane.


Above: Test fit of both major filter sets.

A completed configuration
Inside details:

Another unit with audio board mods included below:

detail pictures below:

Power inlet inductor shown with a proper ground for machine and wiring of audio board filter

Audio board backside and floor prep below:

installed Audio board With custom RCA and upgraded op amps below:

Completed oppo-93 unit with audio board mods included below:

And the big preliminary test:
From an early James Bond film in blue ray

More soon.
©MMX Michael Crock and Jennifer Crock, JENA Technologies

Portland Oregon.