to our Audio Show page.
Vancouver, WA. May 2008, The Vacuum tube State of the
Art Conference show...
We shared the show room of Lowther America,
Hosted by Jon Ver Halen.
Open baffle speakers, Alerions
Some 24/192 mastered music provided by Jack Rock.
some of Jeffrey Jackson's great
tube amplifiers
We provided the Interconnects, AC Power Filters and Power Cords.
Shows quite often represent different products from different companys,
that hopefully develop synergism into something special.


Speaker systems were great examples of the new Improved sound of the
legendary Lowther Drivers.
Above, Jon Ver Halen Of Lowther America (Picture credit to 6Moons.com)
Both an open baffle design ( Below )

And a rear loaded horn design, below, from Lowther
More information. http://www.lowther-america.com/alerion.htm
Commanding of a very good performance from a single ended and powerful
amplifier design by Jeffrey
Jackson (see below) along
with the efficiency of the Lowthers in compelling speaker designs combined with our
transparent and natural sound from our interconnects, were able to
produce a room synergistic with the whole idea of a natural
presentation of music.
We were very pleased by how it all came together.
Nothing was weak or lacking, everything musically pleasing and with a
commanding presence. All of the products worked with synergy very
well. Really great!


(Picture credit to 6Moons.com)
A most impressive one off prototype - 304 TL Quad Triode
radio transmitting tube design. A very stiff power supply provides what
is required... very
real high voltage needed for this amplifier, delivers very real
triode watts.

Jackson, serious amplifier designer.
Below just to show what the designer of this amplifier had in mind for
what other speakers to power was this room... from the VSAC
2008 show:
The Tower in the middle is the Jeffery Jackson amplifier for the Goto unit horn speaker
Room Hosted by Ming Su
Properly presented, these horn speakers featuring
Goto Units compression horn
drivers, made the system sound like you are
there... Again, there is an unmistakable presence to be found with
cubic feet and real watts. Remarkable sound was excellently presented.
Yes this is extreme audio, cost is no object.
We played one of our CD's made from our DSD Mastered recordings (
DreamDancer Music) of the
Portland Chamber
Orchestra, and that really wowed some people :)
Below, another room of distinction.
Our CD's made from our (
DreamDancer Music) DSD Mastered recordings of
Beethoven's 9th on June 9, 2007 was played, in eXemplar audio's room.
Really impressive sound performance.
pair of our interconnects were found in the main demo room for the show
and many noted the performance of the system was significantly improved.


We met many friends at the show and made new ones as well.
We were glad to have been there and we plan to attend and present our products in future shows as we did many years ago.
Expect to see and hear our Speakers, Interconnects, AC Power Conditioners... and maybe a few surprises as well :)
Here is a link to another review of the show that we found on the web
Giving the Lowther/Jena room great honors:
http://www.enjoythemusic.com/vsac_2008/ Michael of JENA Technologies.
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