page are pictures we found on the Internet or were submitted to use
and publish of individual stereo systems in which our products are
Included are Interconnects, Power conditioners, Power cords,
Pre-amplifiers, or other devices that we made.
think we are in good company. These are our customers and their
private systems with one exception - our Hong Kong dealer (Audio Exotics)
with a million dollar audio system for sales* purposes.
So Mostly we do not
identify who the owners are, unless they wish to be identified.
By the way... If you
have a nice picture of your system and we wish to stress that the
system can be of any size, modest or not, that has our products in
it and would like to have a picture of it here, send us an
e-mail with the picture and we try to include it on this page.
Our customers feel enough pride in their systems to publish
them on the Internet, we very much appreciate any
submission. We exist and continue to survive because people
purchase our products and this page is one of the ways we
advertise the quality of what we do. Thank you.
In any event
we are very happy to see any and all of our products out in
the wild. The overall quality of all of these systems is the
real indicator of were our products stand in the real world.

Off the graph systems, yes this exists, and we are proud to
be in it:
added April 20 2023
<< Their premier showroom.
Audio Exotics Divin
system - Awakenings interconnect and power cords and perhaps
the sequoia power conditioner?
he has it... this is a cost no object system in Hong Kong -
a premium dealer - we are in good company.
We are very proud to be in all of these systems, most below
are private.
Added Jan. 5 2020:
system is rich
with our power conditioners, power-cords, interconnects and
Speaker cables,
and mods to the Soundlabs
speakers in different ways.
Added Jan. 19 2019
© David Robinson
Above: at David Robinson's Studio, Positive
Feedback online Article features an award for the Model 3
above an Early Sequoia Power Conditioner
Added June 30 2016.
Above and below, Our Early Sequoia Sapling between the Pass
labs amps..
Currently the case is in redesign for the Sequoia Sapling
This system,
features a full system compliment of integrated custom
interconnects we made just for this system.
integrated custom interconnects by JENA Labs.
How does the customer feel about its performance...
are simply sensational! In fact, they continue to get better and
My listening is on a whole different level because of your remarkable
Thank you for your fine
...and we are very happy
you sent these wonderful pictures to us. JENA Labs.

line level
crossover filter.
Jena Technologies
Model One Power Conditioners. they have evolved and we still
make these but more developed now.




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